Unique and Individualized One-on-one Preparation and Empowerment Sessions
Have a big work event or interview coming up? Then let’s work together to make you feel like your bad ass self. Get ready to put on those stilettos and bring the house down.
You are awesome! You got that big presentation to the board or clients? Got that job interview for that amazing new position? Or scheduled that big meeting with your boss to discuss your performance? Although you’ve gotten here, you are damn nervous about how to kill it and make a big impact.
You are so thinking how the hell am I gonna pull this off?
Does this sound like you?
- You are doing great at work. But holy crap the idea of standing in front of everyone and speaking is making you want to crawl into a corner.
- You really want this new job and have the interview but are feeling so nervous. How do you answer that damn question “What is your greatest weakness?” AHHH!
- Your boss finally agreed to meet and discuss your performance. How the hell do you talk about all the work you do. I mean for god’s sake you do everything.
You are feeling so nervous and know you can’t mess this up. But the nerves are really getting to you. How can you prepare without having to spend hours on google…time you simply just don’t have.
- You believe you can do this (well maybe) but really need a confidence booster.
- You are not sure of what to say and how to make a big impact.
Why I can help you?
I get it. Speaking in public, having big meetings with your boss, or killing an interview are like the scariest things we can do in our career. But when done with true belief in yourself and confidence you can suceed. Believe me, I’ve been there. I did my first big research presentation in front of a large audience at the age of 20. I seriously thought I was gonna vomit on the projector. I’ve also been so timid during big meetings with my boss and know that is not the way to get what you want. And interviews, yikes those can be scary.
But don’t worry you don’t have to go this alone. I have done these scary things and guess what, with preparation and a boost of confidence you can kill it. And I can show you how. I have years of presentation and meeting preparation experience. And I’ve not only been on the interviewee side, but as a hiring manager for high profile community based research programs, I’ve interviewed hundreds of people.
I can get you ready. You got this!
Here is what your life can look like:
- You have all the tools you need to rock that presentation, kill it at that work meeting, or walk into that interview with pure confidence.
What do you need to make this happen? The “Killing it at Your Big Event” coaching package.
Includes 2 one-on-one coaching sessions that will give you everything you need to prepare and feel confident for your next big work event.
So what are you waiting for? Feel Prepared and Empowered today.
Whatever it is, presentation, meeting, interview, or anything else we can work together to boost that confidence and give you the tangible tools to be sincerely ready to kill it.
What you get:
- 2-50 minute one-on-one private coaching calls to help you get ready and feel confident in time for your next big work event.
- Unlimited access to me via text or email between sessions, including check-ins, inspirational quotes, and motivational materials.